
The firm offers assistance and advice to corporations of all types, government institutions, foundations, private investors, banks and financial institutions. The firm is also active in planning and realizing transactions for the purchase or sale of shares, leveraged and / or management buy-outs, joint ventures, private equity and venture capital. It assists Italian clients in transactions abroad and foreign clients in transactions in Italy, taking care of the entire process which may involve multiple jurisdictions, both for the tax and corporate profiles. The firm assists clients in all stages of the transactions, such as the structuring of deals, the conduct of negotiations, the organization and performance of due diligence reviews, drafting and negotiating contracts and agreements and all other legal documentation required in these cases. The Firm’s professionals have also dealt with privatization transactions.

The partners of the firm are often members of the boards of directors of major companies, also as independent directors, or are members of the supervisory boards of companies. Members of the Firm participate to shareholders’ meetings on behalf of clients, draft by-laws and company regulations, and give assistance aimed at identifying the best corporate governance rules and structures. The firm has particular experience with regard to the drafting and enforcement of shareholders’ agreements and in general with regard to all legal aspects relate to the life-cycle of the company.

Commercial and Corporate law

  • Drafting of corporate deeds
  • Leveraged and management buy outs
  • Joint-Venture creation
  • Due-diligence reviews
  • Membership of Boards of Directors and of Supervisory Boards
  • Drafting of contracts

Bankruptcy law

The firm lends assistance in situations of financial crises and all kinds of bankruptcy procedures.

  • Assisting the preparation of bankruptcy statement and official deeds
  • Appraisal drafting

Corporate Litigation

  • Assistance and negotiation of settlement agreements
  • Litigation before ordinary Courts
  • Litigation before the Supreme Court
  • International litigation
  • Arbitration procedures

Financial statements and accounting principles

The firm has a consolidated experience concerning the application of accounting principles (with the relative tax issues) and it assists the clients in identifying the proper methods for representation in the financial statements.

  • Advice and opinions concerning the application of national accounting principles and of IAS/IFRS
  • Advice and opinions concerning directors’ duties and liability

Charities, cooperatives, foundations and Not-for-Profit Organization

The firm offers consulting services concerning charities and Not-for-Profit organizations, cooperatives and foundations.

  • Drafting of By-Laws, shareholders’ agreements and governance rules
  • Dealing with the competent public Authorities